Ancient Roads: A Ministry of Cominghome
Chapter 8: Qumran, and The Way of the Nazarenes (the Branches)
The Qumran priesthood and their associates came to be called "The Way." This was understood from the Messianic prophecy of Isaiah 40:3. In the Gospel of John 15:5, Yeshua said, "I am the Vine, and You are the Branches." This terminology would have been understood on many levels in Yeshua's time. In those early times, if one was called a Netzer or a Branch, the connection was clearly understood as one who walked in "THE WAY" of the Zadokite Priestly authority and, thus, would be called a Nazarene or a Branch of Messiah. Join us for this brief biblical lesson about the Qumran and the Way of the Nazarenes or Netzarim.